Hall of Fame


The purpose of the Hall of Fame is to formally recognize outstanding and influential alumni who have made substantial contributions in their chosen career. Collinwood High School has long been a center of excellence and the Hall of Fame is a way to promote school pride, spirit and community support through this recognition process. Thus, supporting the overall mission of the Alumni Association which is to preserve and promote the rich heritage and traditions of Collinwood High School and the community which it serves.

Selection Process

The candidate selection process for the Hall of Fame is initiated through written nominations from alumni, community members and the Collinwood High School staff. The Hall of Fame coordinator will present all nominations to the Selection Committee which is comprised of the Chairman and Co-Chairman of the Hall of Fame Committee, Trustees, Officers of the Alumni Association and the Faculty Advisor to the Alumni committee. Each member of the Selection Committee will have one vote.

Criteria for Selection

  1. Candidates will have graduated from CHS at least fifteen years before the induction.
  2. Candidates will have achieved outstanding success and recognition within their chosen field.
  3. No more than ten alumni to be selected for any one induction ceremony.
  4. Induction ceremonies are held on a two year period, even years.
  5. Awards are presented for outstanding contributions in the areas of Art and Music, Business, Education, Government, Law and Law Enforcement, Medicìne/Technology, Science, Math, Sports and Community Affairs.
  6. The committee may choose to pass on any area where a suitable candidate is not deemed to be available.